Sunday, May 9, 2010

The Chicken of Depression

It's been awhile since I've seriously posted anything. The reason is two-fold. First, I had been visited by the Chicken of Depression again. Although, ironically, a bluebird family has made it's nest in a tree in our yard, but anytime I yell at them to come bring me happiness, they just fly away.

Stupid birds.

And secondly, because I felt that the Lord was trying to tell me something but I just wasn't sure what. I'm still not sure exactly, but I'm feeling like I'm beginning to get the gist of it.

Over the course of the last few weeks, I have been reading and hearing a lot about giving. Far too many times to be merely coincidences. But I wasn't sure what it was all about. I knew it wasn't about money. So what else? My time? My all? So I prayed that God would show me what He wanted from me.

I keep praying that God will give me strength, both to fight the depression and the lies that are so convincingly whispered in my ear until they seem like truth, but also to face the day-to-day challenges of being a stay-at-home mom with 2 kids under 3.

Those that know me will know that my housekeeping skills leave something to be desired. Those that know my husband know that's what he greatly desires. Hence, we have issues. In fact, most of our marriage strife is related to the state of the house. It affects both of our moods. Some of you are probably thinking, "Well, if it's that important to you both, then clean the house." On paper, that seems like the easy solution. In real life, I'm exhausted. I'm already mentally beat-down. Knowing that when Joe comes home from work, he's going to be upset because the house is a disaster zone, leaves me overwhelmed and unable to cope with life.

From the outside, I'm sure I seem whiny. Plenty of people are able to raise kids and keep a clean house. I'm not one of those. I feel as though I try. Most days, I feel as though I've given it my all. And this is where we come back to giving.

So is God telling me that I'm not giving enough? Should I suck it up and keep giving even more of me? The world would tell me that I need to take time for me. Even Christians would tell me the same thing. I can come up with a dozen excuses off the top of my head why I can't do a particular thing. And while the reasons are valid, is my attitude?

I feel like the Israelites wandering around in the desert. God kept showing them His wonder and majesty, providing for them, caring for them. But yet, they grumbled and complained. Sure, at times they would praise God and worship Him. But then they also kept saying how they would rather be back in bondage in Egypt because there they had meat and good fruits and veggies. They wanted the best of both worlds.

Is that what I'm doing? God keeps showing me His very real and personal love, yet I complain because things aren't exactly how I want them. I pray for strength, but I get upset when I have to use it. I pray for deliverance, but I get upset when I'm delivered because it's so much easier to be depressed and not care then to have to face the world and its troubles.

God will pour out His grace in perfect measure every day that I ask. But what have I done to be ready to receive it? How much more do I really have to give? Have I just put a mental block on what I consider to be my limit? Or is there really more that I can give? When can I say, "Ok. I need a break." Is it on days like today when the darkness seems to be closing in and I just don't care anymore? But I'm battling depression. I have a lot of these days. Or should I pray and prepare myself to receive God's grace and struggle though and keep on giving?

These are the questions I'm still seeking answers to. I'll let you know when I figure them out.


  1. Wish I had an answer for you, my dear. I struggle with the same questions (and demons). I do know that when I am really depressed, if I make myself do something for someone else I feel a little lift. The stickler is that many times it IS easier to just stay depressed. Sounds ironic, but when you are depressed you don't want to get up out of the mudhole. Sometimes I find that if I just do through the motions, eventually my spirit will get into it. Love you, babe. Here's hoping.

  2. I wouldn't say you need time for yourself alone, but time with God. I was reading last night about Sarah Edwards, the wife of the famous Jonathan Edwards. I was encouraged by her devotion to God and her faithfullness to pray. She had 11 children without most of our modern conviences and had such an affection for Christ and God's glory. Part of me reads about these great women and thinks, why can't I be that strong? Then I remember how easily I pass by spending time with the one who makes us strong. So I'm hoping to get back into a routine of being in the word, praying on my own, and worshipping the Lord all day long. That usually translates into being more productive and enjoying it because its not out of guilt but joy.
