Sunday, April 18, 2010

The Beginning

Where to begin? I like the idea of blogging, but to actually put my thoughts and feelings out there for others to view and judge is exceptionally terrifying. I'm a natural introvert, but I feel as though it might be time to start slowly coming out of my shell. I'm hoping that this can be a release for me, a place to let my true voice be heard. Very few people know the real me. Sometimes, I feel as though I don't even know the real me. I'm hoping to find myself again. I'm hoping to entertain you with my delightful charm and wit. I'm hoping you don't think I'm a bad parent when I tell you that my kid pooped on my sidewalk because she was bored. All in all, there's a whole lotta hoping going on right now.
So again, where to begin? I guess I'll start with telling you about me and mine. I'm 26 years old and have been married to the love of my life for 8 years now. I am a stay at home mom to our two gorgeous, delightful, outstanding, intelligent, wonderful girls. To protect the innocent, I shall refer to them by my pet names for them, Lou and Banana. Lou is almost 3 and Banana is 6 months. Banana's personality is just starting to come through and she's a sweetie and a half! Always happy (as long as Mama's around!) and her face just lights up when her big sister comes dancing into the room. Lou is a mess pot and a firecracker. She is incredibly strong-willed and spicy, but so loving and empathetic. Highly intelligent and highly inquisitive, she makes sure our life is never calm or boring! Fairy wings are standard and her best friend Bunny is never too far from her side.
So, there's the basics. Welcome to my blog and I hope you enjoy the ride!


  1. Sounds lovely, my dear! Sometimes I feel the same way, I don't know the real me. I guess when we figure it out we can let everyone else know. <3

  2. Also, I say no judging allowed!
